"Communication, Media, and Social Change."
After i looked through the leadership web-sights like the new leaders initiative that awards young people who are making significant differences, I thought about how i can integrate this kind of positive reinforcement into my project. I want my group's web-sight, plantitforward.wetpaint.com, to grow and eventually become a source that is referenced in a sustainability class.
I personally love independent publications like Adbusters and television forums like Democracy Now and Link TV to inform myself. These sources are illuminating without the agendas of advertisers contaminating the information. Movements like "Buy nothing day", OBEY, and cultural jamming are growing in popularity. Also, Media Study Links provides access to the honest results of different research studies about media sources.
Web-sights like greenplanetfilms.org that have lists of hundreds of non-profit films and distributers that can educate and not be subjective on the wide. These films are generally promoting nature, wildlife, and indigenous people. The green list is another positive and progressive way to acknowledge companies and organizations that are trying to make a difference.
Since Michael Moore showed the world that making films to inform people could be profitable, it has become an excepted form of free market artistry. In this digital age, the most influential forms of media for the average American are film and television. Documentaries can have a lot of impact on a person who normally does not read or keep themselves informed on controversial issues concerning the world.
Now that only five major companies own the world's media industry, the consumers must be aware of the agenda of the entertainment and information that they consume. It is nearly impossible for the average person to be able to find out all the dirty little details that most of these corporations are hiding. These corporate conglomerates have teams of lawyers making sure that they have control over their information and public relations groups that focus on mixing the message the public receives. That is where watchdog organizations become important. The public owes a debt of gratitude to the people around the world working hard to make sure that the "gatekeepers" and social elite do not get away with deceiving the public with obvious misinformation.
Finally, one of the most controversial issues "showing face" lately in the public eye is genetically modified organisms or food (GMO). By altering the genetics and specifically engineering food the farmers/scientists produce higher volume of food that becomes less susceptible towards disease and pests. Although that may sound like a good idea, we are unsure of what the long term effects of this unnatural technique may be. Another major concern is that these mutated creations are unlabeled and untested. We as consumers must demand more independent scientific testing and address the concerns that GMO products have aroused but most importantly, eat organically to show the GMO companies that the American citizen are aware of their practices and do not support it.