Friday, October 30, 2009

Sustainability, health, and healing

Our health is the most important aspect of sustainability. Without it, we are unable to provide any of the valuable resources each of us posses. Self-responsibility is the core of a healthy person, but i do think that education and reinforcement through the support of corporations and the government is necessary.

After watching Michael Moore's documentary, Sicko, and looking at the fact sheet supporting the document, i felt like my fears had been confirmed. However, i was not surprised that Michael Moore did his research before an international wide release of a controversial film. It is scary that he has the facts correct and If anything, Moore was playing it safe and using the low-end estimates.

Here are some interesting facts i learned while watching this documentry. 18,000 people should not have to die simply because they cannot afford healthcare. There is something obviously wrong with a country that spends more of their GDP on healthcare then any other country but still rank 37th international in quality and over 54 million Americans are left uninsured.

The most disturbing part of this problem is that the healthcare system is failing because of corporate greed, which seems to be the problem with every large business. This reoccurring theme will be the eventual downfall of modern American culture. Once the average citizen can not carry the financial burden of living in a "free market" is when we will have to go back to living in sustainable community. I do not see a significant shift in this hegemonic culture, seeing that Hillary Clinton, a former leader in health care reform, recently accepted campaign contributions from insurance and pharmaceutical lobbyists. It is has become apparent that the corporate conglomerates are in control.

The World Healing Institute's mission statement says through awareness of environmental issues, children's growth and healing, or cutting-edge healing modalities, they are able to harness the creative imagination.

On the web-sight, there are many ideas for maintaining our health and well-being. Also, public service announcements and information for the people that are the foundations of creating a community. This teaches people take care of each other and themselves inevitably becoming more sustainable.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Personal Story

Personal Story

I appreciated reading more about Dr. Becker's personal life. There are many aspects of her life that i could relate to. In particular, was her experience with looking for guidance from the earth. There has been a few specific times in my life i have asked the cosmos, "what should I do with my life," and have received undeniable signs from nature. One night i was having a hard time making a very important decision, when i asked the earth if i should do something, right then the most beautiful, green tinted shooting star instantly flew through the clear night. I knew then, that i was to make the right choice.

Another part of Dr. Becker's story that i related to was the need to move out of Puna. Even though i was accomplishing my goal to be on solar and catchment, the drive to Hilo 5 or 6 times a week was just too much. It is truly a big island and i made a conscious decision to limit the time i was going to be in the car. I found Papaikou just far enough out of Hilo and just close enough for me not feel like i was wasting two hours of my waking day in commute. Although i did find a new appreciation for books and text books on CD/MP3.

When i followed the links that were highlighted in the blog i found a lot of interesting ideas and experiences. Nature Deficit Disorder is a very real and underestimated consequence of the modern world, not only for children but for people of all ages. With an overwhelming amount of instant entertainment in America has led to a digital age, where most of our time is spent inside and by ourselves. This is not healthy both psychologically and physically. Humans benefit from sunshine and activity with others. Children who live in inner cities have less accessibility to nature and safe outdoor environment for them to play and reflect. There needs to be more focus on making sure people spend time out in nature.

Eating local and organic is also very important for the peoples' health and the local economy. I think that a law should be passed to banned any corporate fast food chain from having a restaurant within 5 miles of Hilo town. Just having McDonalds 5 miles outside of town would deter those people who really don't want fast food but are in a hurry and poor. Then local diners could attempt to make more affordable menus because they would have more customers. This would be a win win situation.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Systems Theory

The three systems that Cornell’s sustainability site connects to sustainability are Energy, the Environment, and Economic Development.

The video “The Story of Stuff” explained how we are using a linear system in a finite world. This is not a sustainable method of consumtption.

Not only the products we buy become wasted but also the people who are part of each step of the materials economy are wasted too. Being forced to leave environments that have sustained their cultures for years and moving into overpopulated urban areas and working in unhealthy industries is a negative result of our consumer culture.. The whole system is being exploited to keep prices unrealistically low. We are a nation of consumers and judge our success by the amount of material goods we have. Over %90 of products are no longer in use only years later.

This way of life is not an accident but rather was planned by the government, corporations and economists. Planned obsolescence and perceived obsolescence are the ideas that we need to purchase the new and improved, partly because the products are designed to break fast and also because the media tells us through advertising that we are not consuming enough..

Recycling is not enough because the waste we create is only a small percentage of all the waste from the industries. So, the only way to really slow down the destruction of the planet is by changing each step of the materials economy.

The environmental justice video clip is a unique way to express some very serious issues. By making a video that is not aggressive, many people will be more susceptible to listening to the message being expressed. Using a simple method to express a complex situation can make the solution seem more obtainable.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Group 2 Contract


Group 2 Contract

The Plant it Forward organization promises to uphold the mission established. This mission states that the members of our organization works by, “Promoting sustainability by creating a movement that teaches others to grow their own food and medicine and pass it forward.”

To have the time to organize and discuss the best ways to approach our mission we have agreed to meet every Thursday at 3:30 p.m. in a designated and private location. Meeting normally last an hour and allow for all members to contribute.

Also, as a group of co-workers we have exchanged personal contact information. This allows the other members of Plant it Forward to have access to each other in case there is any discrepancy or problem that needs instant resolution.

This is a social contract not binding by law.

Plant It Forward members:

Fleming, Patrick M. x_________________

Gronquist, Katherine x_________________

Meier-Mcgrath, Robbie x_________________

Neck, Curtis L. x_________________

Rapholz, Jessica M. x_________________

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Group 2 minutes # 2

Meeting minutes 02

October 8, 2009

Start Time: 3:44pm

I. Discussion on what is included in packets

1. Information on sustainability

a. Mission Statement (AG)

b. Purpose of Package (AG)

- The purpose of this package is to provide you with the first step to becoming sustainable through growing your own food and medicine.

c. Information about the plant

- History (website links) (CN)

- Ideal growing environment (CN)

- How to cultivate (PF) – “From seed to compost” include website links

d. Seeds (PF)

- Cherry tomatoes

- Green Beans

- Lettuce

- Citronella

- Spices

e. Plant starts in 4” pots (PF)

- 5 of each variety

f. Homemade pots (AG)

- Instructions on making pots

- Bag of soil, peat moss, labels (AG, RM)

g. Sign-in sheet (CN)

II. Promotion

1. Posters (JR)

2. Radio (PF)

3. Newspaper (PF)

4. Fliers (JR)

5. Table (PF)

III. Uploaded pictures


What are you interested in doing? Why?

Promoting sustainability by creating a movement that teaches others to grow their own food and medicine, then passing it forward.

How will you do it?

- Create an instructional packet with seeds and one start (plant)

- Info about sustainability, the plant and uses, directions about seed start and care, composting, how to pass on their product

- Give away starts to grow your own food, promote passing on their starts to more people

Who will do what?

Said in minutes above (initials)

What form will your final project take?

Our final project will be a record of what we did to do this project.

Length? Method of Delivery?

We will- create a wiki, promote sustainability, create a blog to encourage sustainability and document how we started our project to show our progress

- Promote “Plant It Forward” on UH radio station

- Have a table on-campus promoting our project (library lanai) with seed packets, plants, educational and instructional pamphlets

How will you know if your project is a success?

It will be a success if the project continues exponentially.

Group 2 minutes # 1

Group Meeting #1 Minutes

Date: 10/01/09

Time: 3:45 pm

Members Present: ‘Alohi, Robbie, Patrick, Curtis


- facilitate a dialogue (group discussion in class, table at library lanai)

- becoming involved with the Boy’s and Girl’s club

Group Project Agreement:

- “Plant It Forward” (url:

Mission: Promoting sustainability by creating a movement that teaches others to grow their own food and medicine, then passing it forward.


- Create an instructional packet with seeds and one start (plant)

- info. about sustainability, the plant and uses, directions about seed start and care, composting, how to pass on their product

- Give away starts to grow your own food, promote passing on their starts to more people

Promoting Project:

- Create a wiki, promote sustainability, create a blog to encourage sustainability and document how we started our project to show our progress

- Promote “Plant It Forward” on UH radio station

- Have a table on-campus promoting our project (library lanai) with seed packets, plants, educational and instructional pamphlets

End Time: 4:25 pm

Other Traditional Cultures

The cultures i choose to discuss are the indigenous tribes of the Amazon. Native people of the Amazon have lived in that area for over 20,000 years. All of the tribes in the Amazon have learned to live in harmony with nature and maintain a sustainable community. They also live in communal houses made from natural materials. Sharing is very important to survival for the indigenous people of the Amazon. In an "open" culture like this, people help each other to succeed accomplishing the goals they need to survive. This is the essence of a natural and sustainable community.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Carolyn Baker Interview

The Carlyn Baker interview focused on the idea that The United States is not going to recover from the depression as has been previously told to us by the government. Instead of trying to go back to the wasteful ways of our past we should learn to be a more sustainable country. Groups like Ecovillage Ithaca are examples of communities that are working in the right direction to help in the economic and environmental recovery.
One of the most important aspects of the interview was facing the recession/depression as a permanent change in American culture. Growth is not always a good thing. We have to learn how to prepare for changes mentally and spiritually as well as financially. Now we are seeing a positive paradigm shift towards becoming more frugal society and teaching each other how to conserve energy and resources.
Also, we are now realizing that the public school systems are failing and we need to find an alternative for the next generations. This reality along with the fact that we are at peek oil productions and will soon run out, allows Americans to make informed decisions concerning the future.
If we all make a point to transition our society into sustainable communities than we have a chance to recover from the financial and environmental collapse.

Thursday, October 1, 2009



The world right now is in a period of chaos. Corporations have become the most powerful entities in the world. This fact makes it the first time in history that the dominant force is not responsible for the benefit of anyone or anything except themselves.

After reading Alisa Miller’s biography I choose to watch her video. She is the CEO of Public Radio International and spoke on how little news sources actually report news on the media. She reminded me that the United States is the leader in news coverage and how distorted the view Americans have concerning the importance of the news from other countries,

To become more of an active leader in my community I plan to investigate and report on local news. By creating an independent news source, I can inform the community and help people to be more aware. Many Americans in my generation do not trust the media. Gallup polls show that only 39 percent of Americans feel the mainstream news are moral. If the people had a news source they can depend on, then they will be more willing to pay attention to the problems and help to find solutions. Education is the key to creating citizens who vote and make confident decisions about their community.

The major obstacle I would face could be the depth of misleading and lies that the American people have absorbed over generations. It is hard to uproot such deeply embedded beliefs. Some other barriers I can foresee in my pursuit in the truth would be the generic right wing, conservative people who watch FOX television. They have become the epitome an audience who chooses to belief what ever the media spoon-feeds them. This is altering the way America thinks and how the rest of the world views the United States.

My allies in supporting independent media would be anyone who believes that media practitioners have an ethical duty to expose the truth. Open minded people with a strong belief that Americans are smart enough to handle the responsibility of knowing the truth and acting accordingly. Other allies could be influential members of the communityh who trust the mission is just and worthy of their support. With more allies would naturally bring resources. The power of connections, and financial backing are essential and will come in time when the right people are motivated.