Friday, October 30, 2009

Sustainability, health, and healing

Our health is the most important aspect of sustainability. Without it, we are unable to provide any of the valuable resources each of us posses. Self-responsibility is the core of a healthy person, but i do think that education and reinforcement through the support of corporations and the government is necessary.

After watching Michael Moore's documentary, Sicko, and looking at the fact sheet supporting the document, i felt like my fears had been confirmed. However, i was not surprised that Michael Moore did his research before an international wide release of a controversial film. It is scary that he has the facts correct and If anything, Moore was playing it safe and using the low-end estimates.

Here are some interesting facts i learned while watching this documentry. 18,000 people should not have to die simply because they cannot afford healthcare. There is something obviously wrong with a country that spends more of their GDP on healthcare then any other country but still rank 37th international in quality and over 54 million Americans are left uninsured.

The most disturbing part of this problem is that the healthcare system is failing because of corporate greed, which seems to be the problem with every large business. This reoccurring theme will be the eventual downfall of modern American culture. Once the average citizen can not carry the financial burden of living in a "free market" is when we will have to go back to living in sustainable community. I do not see a significant shift in this hegemonic culture, seeing that Hillary Clinton, a former leader in health care reform, recently accepted campaign contributions from insurance and pharmaceutical lobbyists. It is has become apparent that the corporate conglomerates are in control.

The World Healing Institute's mission statement says through awareness of environmental issues, children's growth and healing, or cutting-edge healing modalities, they are able to harness the creative imagination.

On the web-sight, there are many ideas for maintaining our health and well-being. Also, public service announcements and information for the people that are the foundations of creating a community. This teaches people take care of each other and themselves inevitably becoming more sustainable.

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