Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Group 2 minutes # 2

Meeting minutes 02

October 8, 2009

Start Time: 3:44pm

I. Discussion on what is included in packets

1. Information on sustainability

a. Mission Statement (AG)

b. Purpose of Package (AG)

- The purpose of this package is to provide you with the first step to becoming sustainable through growing your own food and medicine.

c. Information about the plant

- History (website links) (CN)

- Ideal growing environment (CN)

- How to cultivate (PF) – “From seed to compost” include website links

d. Seeds (PF)

- Cherry tomatoes

- Green Beans

- Lettuce

- Citronella

- Spices

e. Plant starts in 4” pots (PF)

- 5 of each variety

f. Homemade pots (AG)

- Instructions on making pots

- Bag of soil, peat moss, labels (AG, RM)

g. Sign-in sheet (CN)

II. Promotion

1. Posters (JR)

2. Radio (PF)

3. Newspaper (PF)

4. Fliers (JR)

5. Table (PF)

III. Uploaded pictures


What are you interested in doing? Why?

Promoting sustainability by creating a movement that teaches others to grow their own food and medicine, then passing it forward.

How will you do it?

- Create an instructional packet with seeds and one start (plant)

- Info about sustainability, the plant and uses, directions about seed start and care, composting, how to pass on their product

- Give away starts to grow your own food, promote passing on their starts to more people

Who will do what?

Said in minutes above (initials)

What form will your final project take?

Our final project will be a record of what we did to do this project.

Length? Method of Delivery?

We will- create a wiki, promote sustainability, create a blog to encourage sustainability and document how we started our project to show our progress

- Promote “Plant It Forward” on UH radio station

- Have a table on-campus promoting our project (library lanai) with seed packets, plants, educational and instructional pamphlets

How will you know if your project is a success?

It will be a success if the project continues exponentially.

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